This is the time of year when we all gather around and say (or at least think about) for whom and what we give thanks.  This year, for my combined family (my immediate family and my husband's), the Thanksgiving holiday will be a difficult one.  Since May, we have lost my husband's great-aunt, my Gram, and his Grandma.  We've experienced a number of setbacks with my illness, as well new diagnoses for my father and sister.  In all, it has been a really rough year for me--probably the most trying one of my life so far.  However, I am incredibly grateful and thankful for my wonderful husband (who I will call "K" on here), who has stood by me through everything.  K and I have known each other for year; so long in fact, he actually remembers me before EDS started to have a negative effect on my life.  I cannot imagine how difficult it is for him to have to constantly adjust to the new facets of EDS.  But he does so, and we have gotten through some pretty terrible times in order to have some fantastic ones together.  So this year, I am thankful for K, my match in life.  We both realize that, even though our life together has not turned out anywhere close to what we expected, the fact that were together, and working on our love together, is what matters.  EDS or not, this is what counts.

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